Adam, Millie and Himmy
Adam, Millie and Himmy
Thank God for making our wishes to join the HolyLand tour come true. Thank you both Rev. & Mrs. Choi for organizing such a wonderful trip for us. Thank Pastor Chang for detailed briefing at every stop in Israel.
This tour is not simply a trip for holiday or an opportunity just to enhance our biblical knowledge. Instead, it is a journey full of spiritual in aspirations and self reflections!
The sunrise at Mount Sinai made us appreciate how great God is. The camel ride to Mount Sinai under the bright moon and a starry night made us understand how God led the Israelites to pass through the desert road.

The worship at the Sea of Galilee where Jesus made a miracle of calming the storm, the quiet time at St. Peter the Primacy where Jesus asked Peter three times whether he truly loved Him, the meditation at the Lithostrotos where Jesus suffered a lot for us ... all gave us a close experience with God and renewed us spiritually.
Wish all we learned during this tour will be not only remembered in our minds but also applied in our lives!
Agnes Tai
Agnes Tai
So many tour members have expressed their gratitude to you, your beautiful wife Nadia, Rev Chang and Mrs Chang, allow me to echo them with this to add - this is perhaps the best ever Holyland tour one could ever join : we got the best combination of highly knowledgeable leaders formed by the four of you and wonderful Christian tour guides, God's favor with beautiful weather, full coverage of visits, great food and accommodation, plenty of spiritual enlightenment and fruitful shopping! Thanks for your tireless attention to details.
There were a couple of times when I couldn't hold back my tears during the tour -
(1) when we sang Amazing Grace at the Roman theater at Caesarea Nat'l Park - how come I deserve His amazing, abundant, awesome grace?
(2) when we were at 'Jesus table' where Jesus asked Peter 3x "do you love me more than these?" The Holy Spirit convicted me - I don't love Jesus totally more than myself and worldly things
(3) when at the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was in such deep agony that He sweat blood. Jesus asked me, "I gave my life up for you, what did you give up for me?"
感謝神!多年的願望成真,十三天不一樣的旅程令我畢生難忘 ! 一切來得那么的真實。
我最受感動的是在彼拉多會堂,耶穌被鞭打受刑罰的地方,"因祂受的鞭傷,我們得醫治",一個不容易掉眼淚的我,也禁不住感動落淚,感謝神無比的愛。在提比哩亞海邊, 神的聲音對我說 :"你愛我比這些更深嗎?" 深深的叫我反省,要愛祂更深。還有...伯利恆曠野的聚會,花園塚的守聖餐,客西馬利園的禱告....弟兄弟姊妹的相交,靈裡的交通,特別是黑夜騎駱駝上山,Walkie Talkie 聲音此起彼落,相互照應,猶如一家人....等等都叫我深受感動,感謝神讓我有机會參加聖地遊。儘管是一行八十多人,相處和洽,也甚守時,行程順利,特別感謝蔡牧師及師母,對我們照顧周到,連購物也代講價,勞苦功高。也要感謝當地的 Rev & Mrs Chang, 他們對聖地的 passion,實在令人敬佩。
Daniel Leung
Daniel Leung
Just want to add our thanks for your great leadership and outstanding arrangement to make this trip enjoyable and unforgettable for all of us. We did learn a lot from you both, and certainly Rev and Mrs. Chang for all the places we visited not only the knowledge of the places we visited but also the spiritual insight from you teaching and sharing. It is really amazing to see you handling many tasks at the same time but properly and smoothly -- giving detailed introduction for the place visited, taking pictures for the big group as well as every family/individuals, sharing the biblical message with insight and then making the logistic announcement ....
This is also a very special trip for our family -- our 17 years' old daughter, Janice was baptized by you in Jordan River and thanks again for your offering this opportunity for her. When Wingman(颍文) and I saw her going up out from the water and then participating in the Holy Communion, we were so joyful in Him with tears in our eyes and it is really our privilege and honor to have more than 80 brothers and sisters (from all over the world) to witness the ceremony which we were asked by our Lord Jesus to do as as to fulfill all righteousness. Also our congratulation again to Savada for her baptism with the same wonderful grace from our Lord.
1/ A wholesome trip, good balance of educational knowledge, spiritual enhancement, time of relaxation at the same time refreshing with fun and inner personal revamp with God. Obviously, a sufficient time for tour members to shop is another highs to inject excitement to the trip.
2/ I will also give thumbs up to the accommodation and food
3/ More to go would be the passion from the Choi’s, your serving heart to God as a role model to guide us the way to serve God.
Lee Family
Lee Family: James / Julie / Jacinda / Justine
My family and I had thoroughly enjoyed the Holyland trip. We really appreciate all the efforts and hardwork that Rev. & Mrs. Choi had put in and arranged everything exceptionally well. It was a lot of hardwork to lead such a big group. Praise the LORD that we had the chance to visit so many places mentioned in the Bible which was very enlightening and help us to further strengthen our faith in God. It was truly an unforgettable experience for all of us. What's more, the weather was perfect throughout the whole trip.

Anita Leung
Anita Leung
This is the second time I went to Holy Land with ETS but the first time to Edom(Pertra). Edom was an amazing lost city but it is even more amazing that how true God’s word is. From the architecture in the Edom lost city, we can easily understand how civil and how strong they were back then. But God said Edom will become the smallest among all countries and it is and it never becomes strong again.
To Israel, God told Israelites that their country will be destroyed but will be rebuilt. And Israel was rebuilt in 1948.
Even thought I trust what is written in Bible before I go the Holy land, Bible becomes more solid to me after I see and touch it in real and I got more interest to dig the related history.
Thanks Pastor Choi and Nadia (and also Pastor Chang's couple) to give us so good explanation and experience to “feel” about God’s words. And thank Gabriel and Fiona for organizing such a big group from Shanghai so that we have two Pastor couples be with us all the time.
I also recommend those visited Holy Land already to go for the second times when time comes in your life. I believe you have experience to travel a country for more than one time. The more time you go, the more familiar with that country will be. Same case for Holy Land but you will get even more out of it as it is related to Bible.