Betty Pau
Betty Pau




Connie Cheng
Connie Cheng

This was my second time going to the Holy Land. There was excellent and detailed information explained by Nadia Choi and local tour guides in both Jordan and Israel of the Biblical sites that we visited. I am thankful to God that my dad was willing to come with me on this trip since he is not a believer and this tour could help him understand more about the Biblical events and the meaning of salvation. This tour was a great learning experience for me because I was also an assistant for the first time. There are so many memorable things during this tour. Just to name a few, I really appreciated the arrangement between Nadia and Eli to arrange a vehicle for a few elderly and disabled people who could not walk as much on the sloped hill when we visited the Church of the Nativity.

Second, when we went to the Mount of Olives and the Church of Ascension, we read the Bible scriptures together while looking up at the sky, just like how the disciples were when Jesus began to ascend into the sky. The application made us think about how we utilize our time and how we should live our lives no matter how much time we have left in this world. How equipped or prepared will we be when we see Him in heaven or during His second coming? Third, I had an upset stomach for a day. Thank you brothers and sisters who gave me medicine and prayed for me. We love because God first loved us. Last but not least, I thank Nadia Choi for the Golden Lamp stand gift. This reminds me that Jesus is the light of the world and that as a Christian, I shall continue to serve God, live a godly life that shines in the world and to be a blessings to others. Amen.

David and Lina
David and Lina




Frances Leung
Frances Leung


感謝神讓我有機會可以參加今次的聖地考察團! 完成了我幾年前想要做的心願. 多謝蔡師母在旅程中讀出經文和細心地講解我們所到之處和經文有何關係。有些時候我們一班弟兄姊妹從不同的地方來聚在一起祈禱、及唱詩歌讚美神,又一齊守聖餐我就想到詩篇133篇講到看哪,弟兄和睦同居是何等的善,何等的美!因為在那裏有耶和華所命定的福…。


May Chiu
May Chiu





Mei Chiu
Mei Chui

Dear Ms.Choi

so happy 😊 I can join this teams with all friends😍.Ms.Choi you are very gentle ❤️also have good plan for us👍🏽.this trip let me understand more about bible,hope I can meet you next time for other trip 😄.



這十天的行程實在令我們大開眼界! 讀了聖經只有兩三年的我,對於那些奇怪的地方名及事跡,多是一知半解而完全沒有連冠性的。經過這旅程, 我之前讀過的經文突然立體化了,並且一一連貫起來!彷忽在電影中,但又親身體驗過站立原地經歷耶穌的事蹟, 並且走耶穌曾走過的路!從天使報喜堂、伯利恆耶穌誕生、拿撒勒城耶穌長大的地方, 迦拿耶穌將水變酒、約旦河洗禮、主禱文堂、五餅二魚堂、耶路撒冷畢士大池、耶穌醫治瞎子的池、橄欖山主哭堂、馬可樓最後的晚餐、客西馬利園的禱告、到耶穌被困及審判的地方、苦路上發生的事,該阿發府彼得三次不認主、耶穌釘十架的地方,花園塚、遊加利利海、海邊愛的考試,升天堂等等。我實在感到無限的感恩及感動,感謝神給我如此美好的旅程及最好的導師!太奇妙了!

從多月前收到的電郵,詳細的資料、行程、地方介紹、跟旅遊景點有關的經文,至聖地考察團的小册子,神實在是把最好的給我。大小事務上,我們都深深感受到蔡師母對我們的細心及對主耶穌無私的奉獻及愛心。沿途的旅店都安排得很好很舒服,每一餐食物都很豐富!連未信主及不懂讀中文的丈夫都感到知識上有所得著。團中有七對結婚超過三十五年的夫妻,雖然每天早起要走很多的路,但感覺到每一位都很享受此次的經歷及旅程。四十一位不太相熟來自美、加不同省份的人,在短短數天成了主內互相關懷的一家人, 是多麼美麗的一幅圖畫, 無限感恩!多謝師母, 一切榮耀歸主!


Raymond and Rosita

Dear C Mou

We have a such a wonderful time traveled with you and the whole group of 41 members last 12 days. We must said that we were greatly blessed by God and His Grace for good weather and safe journey through out Jordon and Isreal. You are God's beloved servant who have been charged with excellent and extensive knowledge of the Bible and world history with the combination of both, by you, we are blessed with the most informative leisures of the old and new testaments. Once again, on behalf of my wife Rosita and I, please accept our heartfelt appreciation of your continued guidance in the last 12 days. Wish you have a good rest upon returning home and hope to see you soon!

Stella and Grace
Stella and Grace


William and Norma
William and Nora



在這感恩的季節,送上感恩的祝福!感謝神過去十天豐富的的預備,在蔡師母帶領,並在 Connie的協助下,完成約旦、以色列聖地之旅。我倆實在是領受良多,無論身心靈都得到3D的餵養。這個不一樣的旅程;途經约旦的曠野,在尼波山上遙望迦南美地,並走遍以色列的東西南北,經過死海、紅海、約旦河、加利利湖和西臨地中海。在時空相隔中,加利利湖中和岸邊,我們如再聴主的恩言和教導,主所行的神蹟奇事都歷歷如在眼前。在聖城耶路撒冷,我們感受到主當年為聖城哭泣、為愛世上罪人受苦、上十架。再見到現今神在祂的選民(猶太人)中,行拯救的工作;這一切都加深我們這次信心見証之旅!期待明年再參加您所帶領的新約之旅!

Wing and Kitty
Wing and Kitty

We would really like to thank C. Mou for this unforgettable trip of the Holy Land. It has tremendously added to the breadth & depth of our belief. Like many of us shared, the Bible came alive in HD. The historical incidents recorded throughout the Scriptures got woven together, like a needle pulling threads together to become a beautiful piece of garment. More importantly, we witnessed the love of Christ amongst the 41 tour members, most of which we have never met. But like Raymond shared, it felt like meeting up with old time friends! Yes, nothing happens by chance alone. It was indeed by His grace & divine appointment that we met, including the non-believers amongst our group. We pray that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be richly upon each & everyone of you in a unique way. And we pray that we would have opportunities to meet up again in future— maybe in the New Testament Tour or in your city??

Finally, we would like to share the great prayer from Apostle Paul:

Ephesians 3: 16-19 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.


親愛的C Mo 和主內弟兄姐妹們:

本應很早已想向你們問安及和你們分享十一月聖地旅遊後的感想. 由於在旅遊期間胃痛復發,回家後需要休息,到今天才有些好轉. 非常感謝神給我力量完成這次豐盛的聖地旅遊.


祈望已久的聖地旅遊始終達到了!多謝C MO 及Connie 努力的安排. 給予我們有一個平安愉快及得益甚多的旅程.

這次旅遊,對我像是參加了綜合聖經內容及實地考察班:跟著聖經的記載,主耶稣的降生, 到世上來的事蹟,到各地傳楊天國的福音,行各樣的神蹟; 跟蹤著主耶穌昔日背著十架 在苦路上行走過的腳步,身歷其境. 這種感受實在無法形容. 每當到達一個景點,C MO 都有深入的分析及講解.

我最大的感受是CMO在不同的地點用不同的方式向我們講道,就像耶穌的們徒,到各處傳福音. 我們非常留心聽道. 我對這情境非常深刻. 在St. Anne church 內,由C MO指揮下,我們一起唱詩 '奇妙恩典' 贊美神. 非常感動

感謝神大大使用C MO.求主继续加添她力量及智慧,帶領更多人信主. C MO,加油!


Susie Huynh

Praise the Lord and Amen!! I had problem with my right knee but I did completed this tour this time wasn’t easy but thanks the Lord was beside me so I came back in one piece.

Without Choi C Mo. This trip was meaningless. Once again, I am so glad I made it this time. I would like to go back again if my health allowed.