Caden Chan
Caden Chan

When my mom first told me about this trip to Israel/Jordan, I was actually very excited because I searched up pictures of the places we were going to and they all looked so interesting. However, when the trip came nearer, I realized that I was dreading it, because Christmas and New Years would be during it, and I always spend the two holidays with my friends and family at home. Also, I would be gone for most of winter break, so I wouldn't see my friends at all. And then during the trip, on Christmas day, my sister cut her ankle and had to go to the ER, and my parents accompanied her, so I wasn't with my family on Christmas day. However, during that time, so many people on the trip that didn't know me & my family comforted me and prayed for my sister, and I think that made it all better because I realized that these people were part of my family too. During the end of the trip, I looked back and realized that I was actually SO GLAD I had come on this trip. We went to so many different places that were so interesting and just so amazing. I had created friendships with people from all over the world whom I still keep in touch with. But I think the thing that I enjoyed the most about the trip were the spiritual lessons that Pastor Choi and his wife would share with us every so often. Sometimes when we visited places from the bible, we would all sit down and either Pastor Choi or Auntie Nadia/Choi ce-mo would explain a little about the place, then give us a sort of spiritual lesson that somehow related to the place. Even though they were all pretty short little talks, I learned so much from them. I've taken home so much from this trip, and not just souvenirs, but friendships, and important lessons to reflect upon. Thank You so so much Pastor Choi and Auntie Nadia/Choi ce-mo :)






感謝神為我們在旅途中一切的預備保守,也感謝蔡牧師和蔡師母向我們身传為神作工的美好見證 - 付上莫大的體力、心力和靈力,仍是滿有魄力、常常喜樂和滿足,我知道因為有主活在他們心裡,主與他們同行!這使我更有信心走往後的路,更渴慕尋求並展現主在我人生所定的旨意!


Daphanie Chan
Daphanie Chan


When I heard about this trip, I didn't know if I was excited or not. I would spend Christmas where Jesus was born but not where I'm used to, in my house. I also really didn't like dirty places and I thought all the hotels weren't going to be really clean. When I got to Israel, I actually had a pretty fun time even though really tired the first couple days. I didn't expect anything bad to come up at all and everything would be perfectly fine except for a few nose bleeds. But then, on Christmas morning, I had to go to the emergency room and get stitches because I cut my heel almost to the achilles. I went with my mom and dad while my sister stayed with the group. The doctors told me that I had to get surgery because they thought that I had cut my achilles. I went in and in 20 minutes they stitched me up, and woke me up. Turned out they actually didn't have to fix my achilles and put me into a boot. This was either a miracle from God, or just a silly mistake from the doctor. After the surgery, I went back to the hotel and slept until dinner. When I went to dinner, everyone saw me and asked if I was okay. I said I was and that I was just really really tired. Then, after that scary day, I had a lot of piggy back rides because I couldn't walk. During the piggy back rides, I was listening to choi mok-ce and auntie Nadia talk. I really like how they translated for the tour guide and also gave a bit more detail into things too. After my foot injury, I began to meet more friends. My first two new friends were Sam and Tim. Then at Jesus' burial place I met Leanne. And then I moved to the back of the bus and met Nathan and Tiffany. And then after that, I started meeting everyone else. I love making new friends and I've been keeping in touch with them since. My favorite part of the trip was either the Sea of Galilee, or the Dead Sea. I've learned a lot on this trip and got closer to God every day of this trip. I've walked where Jesus walked, saw the most amazing churches, and met so many people.





蔡牧師和蔡師母,每次听您们詳細地介绍地方的背景細節及内容,看见您们对事奉神的心和passion, 也给我很多鼓励!再一次多谢您们的安排和心思。愿神祝福与您一家!最后真要谢谢Geoffrey and Polly 为我们安排旅游前的游戏,令我们怀着興奮心情面对每个地方...very enjoy the fellowship among the whole group…..



This is not only a sight-seeing tour, we would be able to get to know Jesus more and gain a closer relationship with Him. I especially love the messages pastor Nadia and Rev. Choi prepared for us. This is especially meaningful to me as our whole family (including Eric) would be able to listen and be part of the team. Thank you for all your effort and hard work. Our family enjoyed this trip very much.

Geoffrey and Polly
Geoffrey Ng






最後,我要一讚眾弟兄姊妹,特别是北京的隊友,多謝你們這兩週的愛護。你們都是很有愛心的「Peace Maker」,我在旅程中見到你們很可愛的一面,更從你們身上學習到很多人生的智慧。主祝福你們每位。

王婷 (Polly Wong)



這是一個很特別的經歷,我們一家可以一起去踏足聖地,去實地考察,對聖經的地理位置的確了解了很多。最令我有深刻感動的,是耶穌所行過的苦傷路,他帶著疲累的身軀,忍受著無數次被人拋來拋去的到公會面前接受人的審判,帶著傷痕累累所走過的苦路。他的愛,我感受到。記得蔡牧師告訴我們,摩西在尼波山遠眺迦南地的一幕,令我知道原來摩西已得到了天上的應許之地。神沒有罰他,而是神所作的是要叫我們知道要有信心儆醒等候。我也很佩服小朋友的純真簡單要求,尤其是Kingsley, 他在分享中說其實以色列的膳食都幾好食。



Georgiana Lui
Georgiana Lui




加利利海的天氣變化莫測,實能體會到小信的彼得和其他門徒的經歷。哥拉汛、伯賽大、迦百農 - 不悔改的城有禍了。三城何等荒涼!因為,主耶穌寶血的潔淨,我可以無懼地重新站起來。


James  Ngai
James Ngai


Thank you for being our coach on the trip. One advantage for this trip is I now have a more concrete understanding of the places mentioned in the gospel. During the trip, I was particularly touched by 獻心會 to reinforce our heart to Jesus. Walking through the苦傷道 remind us the suffering of Jesus. Anyway I will recommend this to any Christian to consider attending this trip at least once in his life time. 吃過彼得魚,游過死海水,睡過Petra堡,死而無憾ye!

Thomas Tse
Thomas Tse


I echo those dear brothers and sisters, especially from our brother James.

Yes we 吃過彼得魚, 游過死海水, 睡過Petra堡, but dear James, you don't have to 死 ye! We love you James!

As we have walked the path of our Lord Christ Jesus and have gone through the spiritual formation in the Holy Land, we should spend more time with His Word and expand His Kingdom on earth!

Polly Lam
Polly Lam


这是一个体验与学习的旅程,体会耶稣受难深情的一刻,了解祂生平所到之处及所作的事迹,也实地引证历史人物及古迹。牧师细緻的讲解深入浅出清楚明白,加深我在过程中更深的了解及体会。 加上有祈祷及代祷时间引领我们投入每一个遗址及历史发生的情境中,让我们在属灵上更多的成长。还记得苦路共有十四站,每站有不同的意义,最深印像是在开始的第一站,牧师带领大家有默想及祷告,这祷告使我深深体会到耶稣对我们的爱及牺牲前悲伤的心情,我忍不住痛哭,思想到祂的伟大,反醒到自己的不配及卑微;也有为耶稣复活升天完成救赎的一刻欢欣,带着悲喜交织的心情走过不少遗址,深情体会历史发生的痕迹及悲痛。


旅程中除了体会神的爱及大能外,认识到一班主内弟兄姐妹,他们不论年长或年幼,每一位都亲切友善,彼此有分享祝福,有理解安慰,有鼓励与学习,就像一家人没有陌生的感觉。 耶稣曾说 :我们要彼此相爱,别人就看出我们是基督徒,这是充份显明的;加上牧师悉心的讲解与带领,使我这个容易分心的学生也获益良多。尤其我对蔡牧师的印像很深,他很有感染力,讲道时句句鏗锵有力,中气十足,表现喜悦,没有一点疲态,特别是当我定睛与他交谈时都有想哭的感觉。哈哈!不要见笑,因为他很属灵,我很尊重他,所以定睛看他时自觉属灵上很不足而已。牧师与师母花了不少心思,行程安排紧密细致,吃得丰富,住得舒适,且每天连夜把当天行程的精华以电邮发送给各团友及家人报平安,真是无微不至。我在这里向他们致万分感谢。


Rosana Leung
Rosana Leung


This has been a trip of a life time to me and my family. We were all enriched and refreshed physically, mentally and spiritually. Highly recommended to anyone.

I am still trying to digest what I have taken in the past 2 weeks. This morning as I was doing my devotion reading a passage on Matthew when Jesus was going to start his ministry in Galilee... going to places like Capernaum...etc. Instead of a drawing a blank of what the place is, the place of Capernaum came alive right in front of my eyes. The place, the air, the sun, the smell....almost felt like I was at the place when Jesus was teaching there. What a wonderful experience. It's hard to put in words on how much I appreciate Nadia and Pastor Choi have done in helping us experience Jesus' journey on earth at a different level. Thank you thank you thank you so much. <3 <3 <3

I was particularly touched and tears came through my eyes when we visited several sites. At mount of Olives when Nadia walked us through the last week of Jesus. Seeing his steps right in front of our eyes. The sites, the sound, the agony all came alive to me. At the Church of Peter's Primacy when Jesus asked Peter do you love me three times. I re-examined how deep of a love I have for Jesus. The story of the sesame that the son gave his mom really cut to my heart. At the Church of Holy Sepulchre as I knee down and touched the stone where Jesus was laid. The touch was more than just a physical touch. It was a touch to my heart. These were just a few that came to my mind. I had so many 'Ah Ha' moments that I took in that will likely change my way of understanding what was it like at the time of Jesus. Thank you so much.

Wendy Choy
Wendy Choy


From preparation to going, from going to leaving, what has this trip meant for me?

I have shared during the trip about our preparation that started almost two years ago. The ongoing reports of political turmoil in Egypt, missiles attack on Israel, chemical weapons in Syria, and even just a week before departure, we were confronted with images of heavy snow in Jerusalem, halting all traffic to a stop. These were as if the reports of the ten spies in Numbers, telling us how dangerous this place was – not worth going. However, every time I was asked by tour members whether we should cancel the trip, or buy travel insurance, my conclusion had always been – “Put our trust in God. Have faith. If He leads us, then we will be able to go.” And He did, and all 76 of us got into the Promised Land. And then some more…

During the trip, my sense of the Bible was enriched much, literally. I saw the places that Jesus had visited, felt with my feet the paths that He had walked on, smelled the fields that He had taught on, tasted the food that He had prepared, and heard the Word of God in its context in the Land of Israel. And then some more…

Many times, in different places, I was put into the narrative of the Bible, and prompted to respond to God -

  • In Jerusalem, as I knelt down to touch the anointing rock that Jesus’ dead body once lied, “I am knelling down not only to humble myself before God, but also to get closest to Jesus, to feel His pain, and to take in what He has done for me.”
  • On the mountains and sea in Galilee, “How vast is the field of men that has not heard the Gospel. Jesus had walked these fields, sailed this sea over and over again in his time. Do I take up His charge also, to be worker of the field and fisher of men?”
  • On the shore of Galilee, “Do I love God more than these? – Not whether I love Him or not, but how deep is my love for Him? And, do I serve God with a single mind, or do I compare with how others are serving Him?”
  • In the wilderness, “Life can be lonely at times, as if wandering in the wilderness, but the wilderness also reminds me of God’s providence. When in storm, He hides me in the cleft of the rock; when in thirst, He leads me to the water of spring.”
  • On Mount Nebo, “Moses was not able to see his dream fulfilled, but someone else took up the task and make the dream of all Israelites come true. I do not live my life to make a name out of myself. My life is to glorify God, do His work, and enable others to do the same.”

And then some more still…

We went and left the Promised Land. Upon returning to church on Sunday, the hymns and the Bible stories transported me once again into the Promised Land. The words that I have sung and read many times before came alive with images and feelings from the trip. So, I encourage everyone to make such a trip to the Holy Land, for its history, insights and charm. And if physically the Holy Land has so much to offer, how much more so spiritually! May we be faithful to God in His calling, and bring more people into His kingdom, His Holy and Promised Land.

And such is my pilgrimage to the Holy Land – from preparing to going, from going to leaving, and from leaving to returning – in God’s will. On the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, national anthems of China, Singapore, Canada, and USA were played. I couldn’t help but asked: To where do I belong? To whom is my allegiance due? Perhaps, as an adopted child of Abraham, I too can call Jerusalem my home. And so, I look forward to returning to this piece of land once more – both to the Jerusalem of old where Christ lived, and the New Jerusalem when Christ returns.

Eunice Tse
Eunice Tse










最後一天於土耳其一行18人回程的考驗: 我們大伙兒完成了聖地遊後,在最後一天神給我們的8褔考驗,一伙人帶着疲倦的身軀坐了很多不同的交通工具到了市中心遊覧,我們也很不容易與預定的時間回到機場。



最後,很多謝蔡春曦牧師及師母, 北京的弟兄姊妺的照顧,10多天的相處令我更了解與神、父母、兄弟姊妺、夫妻、子女及朋友之間溝通的重要性,依靠神憑信心可行出不一樣的路。期待2015年另一次聖地遊。

Joanna Ngai


This trip was definitely meaningful because of the significance and ties to the scripture. It felt like stepping back into the Bible and seeing the world as it was back then. For me, one of the highlights was seeing the Dead Sea Scrolls because it shows how God's word is unchanging and stands the test of time.

I would hope to return to Israel again one day and re-experience all the beautiful sites and history.

Mike Lai


Standing at Mount Olive to look across at the Wall of Jerusalem was awesome, as so many, including our Lord, had done in the past. However, I also felt a chill at the back of my skull when thinking about it as the place where all are going to end due to our Lord’s second coming! Having the Doom in my face at the same time seems to tell me many (including a lot of innocent who live far and beyond this spot) could suffer over and over prior to the Big day. I asked myself if I would want to live through these and if my soul was ready no matter what ?? -- To be continued…

But then, standing at Mount Nebo to look over the promised land as Moses did gave me hope -- a nicest ending to a wonderful voyage and our discovery spiritually as well as physically!

Raymond Chan
Raymond Chan


以色列之旅是自己訂下人生要去一次的地方,卻意想不到神 耶和華每程都跟我和內子說話。






Tim Wong


I like to thank you for your hard work and sacrificial love that you gave in making this trip a success. You are blessings to us. Your family, especially Tiffany and Jeffrey, has demonstrated a good example of a Christian family for all the families participated the trip. My wife and I enjoyed the visits on all the Biblical sites. It is not only educational and inspirational, but also an excellent bonding opportunity for families and church groups. I notice many of us (if not all) enjoyed the fellowship times more than anything else - the food, the games, the rides, and the shopping etc...

It is incredible to see brothers and sisters around the world, and with such a wide range of background and age differences, could journey together in harmony for two weeks! There were genuine love and friendship demonstrated within this spiritual community. I heard that few people commented that this trip help them believe that God is real and what the Bible says is true. My observation was that this trip is more than academic, the love and the anticipation to know the truth tell me that the Holy Spirit was leading us and binding us together.

This was my first time baptized someone in the Jordan River and it was a wonderful experience. Although I did not see the Spirit descending like a dove to those who got baptized, I saw many fish swimming in the river. That reminds me to be "fishers of men". Praise Him!

Cindy Ma








Sukie Yip











Kathy Eng ( Seattle)


我是“四大美人” 其中的一位,( 注: 蒙蔡牧師在抵達耶路撒冷的第一天為我们四位西宣的年長姊妹拍照時冠以的美名, 此後在整個旅程中,“ 四大美人”之名便不逕而走). 我們“ 四大美人” 沿途得到主內弟兄姊妹的特别照顧, 為我們拍照, 提行李, 扶上扶落, 讓我們坐在旅遊車前座, 處處禮讓, 親切的關懷和問候, 使我們感受到主内一家的温暖, 謹此致謝! 。我有幸参加了此次畢生難忘的聖地之旅, 對自己的生命有更多的反醒, 對神的愛和主耶稣捨己的爱有更深的体會, 以致激勵自己更加愛研讀聖經, 更加愛主愛人, 也提醒自己務要爭取在有生之年竭力傳福音, 領人歸主, 報答主恩。過去對聖經裡的人物, 歷史, 背景等有某程度上的認識, 但只是頭腦上的認知, 有時甚至水過鴨背, 而今次能親自踏足於這些古蹟遺址, 聽着蔡牧師及師母的詳盡講解, 真有如親歷其境, 感受和經歷着當時的景況, 以致印象深刻, 特別在 苦路十四站上---當我跟着導遊踏着當年耶穌在人間最後的日子, 背着十字架所經過的苦路, 由被捉拿至被釘十字架這十四站, 深深地感受到祂當時身、心、靈的傷痛, 以致更深的体會到祂捨己的大愛, 為我們這些罪人以無罪之身,流寶血捨己命。同時也感受到耶稣的母親瑪利亞看着兒子受盡折磨的搥心之痛, 試問身為母親, 如何能忍受得了。

12月28日清早眾人携備麵包到達加利利海, 就是當年耶稣呼召門徒的地方, 全体坐上一漁船, 泛舟於風平浪靜的加 利利海, 開船不久, 但見美國國旗, 中國國旗, 及加拿大國旗在船頭上迎風升起,伴奏着的是各國的國歌, 我們分别來自中國北京及香港, 加拿大多倫多及烈治文, 還有美國西雅圖的主內弟兄姊妹, 相叙在同一條船上, 暖暖的感受到 “主內一家” 的親蜜感覺。撒下海中的麵包, 引來了一大羣海鷗, 飛上飛下, 望着蔚藍的天空, 初出的旭日, 在心曠神怡之餘, 不禁讚嘆, 好一幅美麗的圖畫啊!

最後不得不提的是我們旅遊車B組在耶路撒冷的導遊張實賢牧師, 他從台灣移居耶路撒冷已經有38年之久, 又是牧會的牧者, 故此對聖地遠近歷史, 聖經人物之熟識瞭如指掌, 沿途娓娓道來, 使我們得益不淺, 尤其感謝他在時間上的專注和提醒, 以致我們能够有機會及時参觀了還有二天就要結束的“大希律王最後時期” 的展覽, 不致錯過這極為難得的機會。各位B组的弟兄姊妹, 還記得張牧師告訴我們“中國” 這字 的希伯來文是怎樣寫的嗎? 感謝神為我們預備及安排了一流的領隊, 一流的導遊, 一流的天氣。謝謝蔡牧師預早的安排, 使我們有幸成為第一批参觀抹大拉會堂遺址文物的華人考察團, 這實實在在是一次名符其實的不一樣的旅程啊。感恩不盡!