Kitty Lim
Kitty Lim


I would like to thank you for organizing this NT tour, and did it with a fervent heart for the past years. I have been wanting to join this tour ever since I did the OT tour with Pastor Choi. Twenty years later, I can finally go.

Before I leave for the trip, I tell my friends this is my prayer that this trip may help me to grow in breath the knowledge of the bible, and in depth the love of God. Praise God! He answers my prayer. Walking through the seven churches from the Book of Revelation, and tracing some of the missionary paths that Paul creates really introduce a third dimension to reading the bible. Spending time with brothers and sisters from different churches also provide a glimpse of heaven for me. This is the most fun loving, bible thirsty, alive and well group I have ever traveled with!

I have some dietary restrictions, and was concerned that the food may not agree with me. Nadia, I really appreciate you taking extra care to ensure that I am taken care of. The local tour guides you pick are very professional. Hotels are clean. Transitions from site to site are seamless. I particularly enjoy the long bus ride when you explain the church history, and the different books in the bible related to our trip. It make me feel like I am "walking" the bible.

If opportunity presents itself, I would definitely go to this tour again. I gain much more than I expect.

Appreciate you lots!

Polly Chan


Thank you Nadia for the wonderful New Testament Tour which has been such an eye opener to me. I would recommend the trip to anyone who wants to learn more about The Seven Churches of Asia and Paul's journey through Nadia's inspiring teaching, superb leadership and caring guidance. I have also enjoyed the edifying fellowship of the group. We have a lot of fun!

Alfred Wong
Alfred Wong

Dear Nadia,

Thank you so much for your labor of love in organizing this trip with all the complicated arrangements. Your special accommodation is very much appreciated. The New Testament trip is both interesting and enlightening. It was such a blessing to see the Bible come to life when we were able to actually step on the grounds when Apostle Paul actually stepped, the places where he actually stepped and preached, and the river where Lydia was converted to Christ. Thank you for walking through the New Testament with us from Acts all the way to Revelations and connecting the events together. We Thank God for the gift of knowledge of history you have in a Biblical perspective that made your explanation both lively and relevant. From now on, I can read the New Testament with a new perspective and understanding. Again, Thank you and may God continue to use your ministry to bless more people.

Connie Cheng
Connie Cheng


After joining the Holy land tour led by Nadia Choi two years ago, I wanted to go on the New Testament tour as soon as possible. Thank God for giving me the opportunity to go this year. In addition, I was able to have a reunion with some of the brothers/sisters from the L.A. church I met while on the Holy land tour. This was one of the happiest trips ever. We all had a good time together like a big family in Christ no matter where we were from.

On this tour, Nadia Choi explained the history and the Bible very clearly and with great detail for us to understand. Not only giving us information, but spiritual nourishment as well in her sermons.

Thank God for everything she had done for us on this tour. After this trip, I've become even more passionate about reading and studying the Bible.

One of my favorite parts of this tour were visiting the 7 churches in Turkey from the book of Revelation. Usually when I read the book of Revelation, it can be very confusing and I get lost easily. Once you step on the grounds of the places the Bible mentions, it is a totally different feeling. Like the Bible has come to life. On the Greece visits, we got to see some of the places where Paul did his secondary missionary trips. I can’t imagine traveling barefoot as he did or taking a boat without advanced transportation back in his time. For us, traveling on a tour bus from town to town only took us a few hours. The cruise on the Aegean Sea was awesome. It was my first cruise. The entire trip was excellent!

I would definitely recommend people join both the Holy land and the New Testament tours lead by Nadia Choi. May God continue to bless the ministry of Equip to Serve and His name be glorified. Amen.

Eric and Nora
Eric and Nora

Dear Nadia C-Mo,

Nora and I just want to express our thanks to you for the wonderful NT trip to Turkey and Greece. Not only that we have learned a lot about the history and geography of the ancient times, but also enjoyed the fellowship, laughter and sharing during the trip. Reading the NT letters will no longer be the same for us – we certainly have a much better understanding of the cultural/historical background of the period and a better appreciation of Paul’s missionary efforts. As for me, I certainly would think I am now better equipped to sharing the NT books with my classes. And of course there is much for me to reflect upon on a personal level as well.

Leading a trip like this is certainly not easy, but leading it with fellowship and love and laughs is another thing – to this we must attribute much to you.

There is much to be digested and we are eager to receiving the DVD that you have so kindly prepared for us. Hope we can join you in other trips in the future.

Rebecca Lee
Rebecca Lee



「色」- 參觀了當地的特色 — 七教會,每所教會有其獨特的特色(主所稱讚和責備)。最令我深刻的是別迦摩教會,畏高的我,為了一睹其昔日風采,不惜"突破"限制,"勇闖"高山。果然不枉此舉,眼前的別迦摩教會,縱然不覆當年,從遺跡中,仍可看到其宏偉、壯觀。心裡發出讚嘆不絶之際,心裡響起一首古舊的詩歌 :雖然宇宙,世界萬物漸次全改變,唯有耶穌,永不改變,榮耀歸主名......。耶穌基督的愛永不褪「色」

「香」- 不能不提士每拿教會,她令我心靈震盪。當我們安靜坐在坡旅甲教堂內,讀經、唱詩....心裡感動不已,不是因為她是主沒有責備而只有稱讚的教會,乃是從初期教會的殉道士的生平信仰歷史/經歷中,感受到基督的「香」氣 — 是榮耀神的香氣。當下祈求神好讓我也會發出香味,叫人感受得到的基督的香氣在我身上,能在各處顯揚基督的香氣 — 榮耀神的香氣。

「味」 - 此團一行共51 人,分別來自美國、加拿大及香港。想像到嗎?51人!整個行程卻處處充滿濃濃的人情味!

最後,不能不提,蔡師母的講解 - 靈食蜜語,猶如泡製多時,燉出來的精華 — 具備佳餚的必有元素 - 「色‧香‧味」!而她的安排和帶領盡見甜味處處。


「色‧香‧味」之旅 — 帶我置身現場,親歷其景地體味。
「色‧香‧味」之旅 — 讓我置身何時何地,也能回味無窮。

Mi Yee
Mi Yee Sam

Thank God that we were able to join in this NT tour of the Seven Churches of Asia in Turkey and Greece.

We totally enjoyed the sight of the area learning the history and the biblical significance of each site.

We got to visit the Pamukkale thermal springs which was one of the most extraordinary natural wonders of the world! We were all able to have a dip in the warm limestone pool and hopefully experienced a little healing touch for our aching feet!

We also enjoyed the 2 day cruise to Athens where we had a fun and relaxing time at midpoint of the tour! The excursions to Island of Patmos helped us to visualize the vision of John from our almighty God to write the book of Revelations! The sight of Santorini was the most breathtaking blue and white scene that we have ever seen!

We learned the criteria of forming an ancient citadel: hill surrounded by wall, water resources, road, and farm land to grow crops! When we saw the ruins of the acropolis, agora, theater, library and even the bathrooms in Ephesus, Corinth and Athens...., we just have to proclaim the wisdom of our ancient forefathers as the foundation to today's architecture design.

All in all, we thank God for giving a wonderful 師母Nadia to point everything we saw as God given gifts and we just have to make good uses of who we are to serve our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ!



We had an amazing experience with a wonderful group of brothers and sisters who shared the excitement and the fellowship. We benefited not only from the archaeological facts and biblical perspectives, but the spiritual applications and mutual encouragement also made this tour uniquely different from others. Nadia is not just a tour guide, but she also has a "shepherd's heart". She genuinely cares for everyone not as a customer but as brothers and sisters. I would like to make couple of small suggestions to enhance our overall experience: allow one or two meals to be on our own for those who may be more adventurous with the local cuisine. We can also skip one or two sites to slow down the pace just a bit.

May and Paul Chin
May and Paul Chin


Paul: I have a very enjoyable time during the NT trip, it connected me to the historic time of the Apostle Paul's travels. We read about the seven Churches but when we are at the actual places that was written in Bible it really open our eyes. Thanks to Nadia for making this trip a lifetime experience.

Ruby She
Ruby She




感謝蔡師母的教導,體貼,照顧和特別行程安排,讓我在這個假期當中,不單止享受到與弟兄姊妹有甜蜜的愛和交通,更讓我的靈命得到餵養,空空的來,滿載而歸。相信當我再一次讀啟示錄的時候,必定有不一樣的領受。God is so good !

Michelle Ying
Michelle Ying


Sandra Hui
Sandra Hui


Thank you for such a memorable trip. Wish I had taken notes or recorded all your teachings, my memory is failing me, I don’t remember a lot of what you shared. Good thing is the DVD is coming… But overall, I enjoy the companies, the jokes, the places we visited, the food, oh yeah, the food, all the buffets were wonderful, wish we had it every single meal. The people, were extraordinary friendly, helpful, funny, even though many we only met for the first time. Feels like one big family although I wish I had a list of their names, pictures and where they are from in the handbook to refer to at the beginning of the trip. It took me a while to find out who’s who, by the end of the trip, I still couldn’t recall some of their names.

I was going to the WC a lot more frequent than usual, I think many of us didn’t know when the next stop was going to be and we sort of play it too safe and we would get in line as soon as we see one. We would appreciate much if we knew ahead of time, say about a couple of weeks before the trip, on how much Euro to bring. Our banks take a while to get foreign currency. May be the tips could even be added to the total payment, so we don’t have to deal with money, exchange rate during the trip.

Nadia, thank you for giving us such a happy memory, it was a trip of our lifetime. Words cannot express how much we appreciate your effort to take care of us to enlighten us, and to encourage us for a deeper walk in our Christian life. Thank you again for all that you do, you are the best!

Terry Lo
Terry Lo

Nadia C-Mo did a great job leading our group to see the 7 churches in Asia and to follow Paul's steps in Greece. Nadia C-Mo was well prepared ahead of the tour and during the tour. We received study materials ahead of the tour and were given instructions on how to prepare for the trip. Nadia C-Mo was very clear in explaining the stories behind each place. She also led several sessions of worship and interpreting some key biblical passages. Nadia C-Mo is humorous and easy going. We really had a great time and learned a lot. I would recommend this tour to every lay person.

Mee Ling
Mee Ling



在十幾天的行程裡,我們去了很多兩卷書卷記載的相關古城,衛城,博物館,也游覽了很多名勝,景點,由於要覆蓋很多地方,我們都算是馬不停蹄的趕路(今天當然由旅游巴和船代替馬匹吧^^),令我最深刻的就是能踏足使徒特別是保羅到過的城市,走過的路,他當時是用雙腳走路的!而且還是沒有柏油路,都是崎嶇不平的山路,我們一天的車/船程,他要以星期甚至月計才可以到達,開始明白他說的"路上的危險,船上的危險"...,踏足亞歐兩洲,還未想到他多次受監禁,鞭打,譏諷,凌辱。。。還有面對教會的不長進,隊友的離棄,疾病的困擾。。用人的計算和標準,這肯定是mission impossible and failure! 假如我是保羅,我必定選擇情願離世與基督同在!難怪非斯都說他是癲狂了!
