歐文光弟兄、李美美姊妹 2000年參加香港聖地考察團,2009年5月參加以斯拉培訓網絡之新約考察團,2013年
Bryan Chan
專業,是以斯拉培訓網絡<聖地考察團>的特色之一。 除了蔡黃玉珍師母對帶領聖地考察團的經驗不容置疑之外,<聖地考察團>為團友在埃及、以色列、及約旦所安排的當地導遊,水準也是十分之高。他/她們與蔡師母一起透過歷史文獻、考古發現、各地文化、傳統及習俗,將聖經的記載連貫起來,讓團友對認識聖經推上更高層次。
其他團友在這裡分享的一切我都十分認同,在最後我分享一些少有提及的。由於<聖地考察團>行程豐富,因此,在遊歷各景點的同時, 團友不知不覺身體也得到了鍛鍊。 並且在含氧量高的環境下 (因有些景點在海拔以下) ,使身體也得到淨化的效果。 確實<聖地考察團>能幫助團友達致「身體健壯,正如你的靈魂興盛一樣。」
Anna Lee
Hi Nadia,
Thank you for leading the tour. We were spiritually and physically well fed through
the trip.
We appreciate your bible sharing on each site that we visited. The songs chosen
were also very appropriate and encouraging. Your knowledge and sharing on the culture
and background of each place were very helpful in letting us understand better.
May God continue to use you in this ministry.
Connie Cheng
What wonderful experiences I had on this Holy Land trip to Egypt, Jordan and Israel.
I loved this trip a lot. Thanks to Mrs. Nadia Choi for leading the group and giving
us many precious pieces of information with very clear explanations about the history,
background, Bible verses, etc… for each of the places we visited. Besides sightseeing
at these places, we also sang praises, read the Bible, prayed, and mediated together
in God’s word. This trip has help me a lot with better visual images of the locations
mentioned in the Bible. For example, in Egypt, I got to see the wilderness, no wonder
the people of Israelites complained to Moses after they crossed over the Red Sea.
I thank God for the safety and peace as we left Egypt across the Israel border.
We had minor difficulties getting out of Egypt into Israel using a specific shorter
route where the police didn’t allow us to cross. We ended up going a different and
much longer route by passing thru the entire Sinai Peninsula to cross over the border.
I enjoyed the fellowship time with brothers and sisters, which was actually the
first time I met them. I feel as if we are one big family in Christ and I can sense
the caring and love we have for one another. I was very happy to witness a brother
being baptized in the Jordan River. There were many good times with fun and laughter
during this trip. I remember while sightseeing in Jordan on the tour bus all of
us making “Ah…” and “Wa…” sounds simultaneously each time the local Jordan tour
guide told us a bit of interesting information.
In Israel, the most memorable place was Jerusalem. We got to follow in Jesus’ footsteps
as he began his journey to carry the cross for us. Israel has gone through lots
of wars and struggles. I saw a sign asking everyone to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
That touched my heart. The last few days of the trip in Israel, was Sabbath day
and an upcoming independence day. We got to learn more about the Jewish culture/beliefs
and how they prepare for Sabbath day. For independence day (April 15, 2003), the
last day we stayed in Tel-Aviv, we got to see fireworks. Finishing this Holy land
trip has made me really want to go on the New Testament tour as my next trip in
near future.
Christine Ko
一個不一樣的行程(聖地), 一個不一樣的领隊(蔡師母) ,一羣不一樣的團友(來自五湖四海,卻一同擁有天國護照的弟兄姊妺) ,一個畢身難忘的體驗(留待你去發掘)。誠意推薦你
- 以斯拉培訓網絡主辦的聖地之旅, 親身體驗箇中震撼與驚喜。夢想要成真,從促報名不要等。
Ruby She
We are so blessed by this trip as we have learnt the Bible in a 3-d perspective.
Nadia has done a wonderful job in not only helping us to understand the Bible in
different points of view thru incorporating the historical and cultural background.,
she would also show us how to live the Word in our daily life. Thanks to our Lord,
! From now on, when we read the Bible, it's not black and white anymore ! Everything
comes to life, it's so colorful and it's so real as we've been there and done it
before ! We are so thankful that we joined Nadia's tour and we highly recommend
this trip to everybody who wants to experience God's love and God's Word in a Unique
May Chan
這是一個非一般的旅遊,很多謝蔡師母的悉心安排,我最深的感受或環節是在appropriate 的 location 能夠有唱詩、讀經及經文分享,我從來未試過 we
can sing hymns and one can hear people singing hymns everywhere we go on any vacations,這是好得無比的感覺。在八福山上蔡師母的短短經文分享,就好像當天耶穌向門徒講的登山寶訓一樣,很有意思呢?
我從來沒有想過有這麼好的 reward, it was just a wonderful trip. Praise to the Lord!!!!
感謝神給我這個能夠集休息,遊玩,學習,退修於一身的難忘旅程! 很多未信主的朋友都問我是否去”朝聖”? 我都嘗試解釋, 主耶穌已經住在信他的人心裡, 亦一直與我們同行,
所以不用特地去朝拜祂! 但正如很多基督徒都希望能一生人去一次聖地, 看看主耶穌在世上時曾住過的地方, 祂同門徒去過哪裡, 在那裡行過神蹟, 在那裡為我們被釘,埋葬及復活,
甚至末日的戰爭場地及主再來的情景, 這些期望都因著有蔡師母豐富的當地經驗, 屬靈牧養, 及處處細心的安排而達到了! 還有以色列人如何出為奴之地,飄流曠野,建造會幕,
叛逆, 順從, 再進到應許之地, 我們都淺嘗了! 當中深深感到神對人無限的寬容及無比的愛. 意想不到的就是有關彼得的一切,都觸動著我的心靈: 主如何熬煉剛烈衝動的彼得,
不論是記念他不認主的雞鳴堂, 他先趕去卻沒有進去的主耶穌的空墳墓, 主頒佈大使命的山頭, 主在提比利亞海邊向他溫柔的呼喚…豈不是我們天路歷程的寫照嗎? 能在緊湊的行程中,
有崇拜,唱詩,聽道,安靜,默想的空間, 能和主耶穌相遇, 真的很感恩!
說不完的感受, 但正如團友們所分享, 留待大家親身體驗吧! 一個絕對難忘的旅程, 讓您身心靈都更新, 誠意推介!
Edward & Susan
All of us have made trips, but I believe almost all of us who went on Nadia's trip
to the Middle East agree that it was a journey unique in many ways. It was not only
a pilgrimage covering all the "must sees" but also a joyous occasion filled with
fun and laughter. Other than a few hiccups beyond our control, like the delay experienced
while crossing the Sinai, the whole tour was smooth,well organized and superbly
coordinated. It was a rich and rewarding experience, benefiting all believers, experienced
or otherwise. I found the topics covered amazingly broad and deep, a testimony to
the depth and range of Mrs. Choi's learning and scholarship. She was like a walking
encyclopedia, demonstrating a profound grasp of fields ranging from plants and animals
to the history and geography of the area.
In a space of less than two weeks, we had ample opportunity to make friends, exchange
experiences and have fun with each other. This greatly reinforced our sense of belonging
to a vast community of Christians from other parts of the world, although all of
us were of Chinese heritage.
From now on, reading the Bible or hearing the Sunday sermon is no longer something
abstract, unreal or academic - we can now relate most of it to the trip we made.
Thanks to the dedication and professionalism of Nadia, we all got more than what
we bargained for. May God bless you all.
Anne Wong
Visiting the Holy Land has been on my bucket list for years. My friends invited
me to join in this year, but I am moving in to my own place and wanted to save every
penny. But today is May 4, almost 3 weeks after the trip, and I am glad that I went.
I attended a Bible class last Thursday, and our teacher talked about the final chapter
of Deuteronomy, when Moses ascended Mount Nebo to view the Land of Israel. Immediately,
I had the image in mind of our trip to the top of Mount Nebo.
I spoke with friends who also went to the Holy Land. I kept hearing that they didn’t
have the opportunity to visit some of the places I was able to, like Egypt and the
Tabernacle in the wilderness. A friend also told me that she had to pay for lunches
during her trip, whereas I didn’t.
One of the less pleasant parts of the trip was our exodus. When we departed from
Cairo, we were delayed due to tension between the locals and the Egyptian government.
As a result, we had to take a long detour. It was more of a hassle, but our guides,
Nadia and Sam, and the bus driver took good care of us during the long drive.
My friends asked me what my most memorable experience was. I felt as if I traveled
back 2000 years, followed a rabbi, and learnt the Scriptures while we traveled to
different places. I thank Nadia for immersing us in the world of the Scriptures.
在風光中游走歷史的長廊, 考察聖經古跡,體驗當地民風,還有什麼勝過游歷的同時靈命得到喂養和成長呢?
- 紅海
- 死海
- 加利利海(革尼撒勒湖)
- 地中海風情
拋開旅游享樂的心態,行程安排的餐飲膳食給你十分驚喜。除了可以品嘗當地的乳制品和野棗蜜,屬靈的味蕾也享用到不同形式的奶與蜜。 如我們每天在巴士裡的晨禱, 好比一杯營養豐富的鮮奶,
又如在Church of St. Anne頌唱詩歌,教堂建筑的藝術將聲音和空氣完美糅合,營造出那份敬虔的縈繞,比蜜糖更甜美。
當西門和當時一起的人對那一網捕獲幾乎撐破漁網的魚驚訝不已時,耶穌對西門說:“不要怕!從今以后,你將得人了。”(路 5:9-10)
感恩 Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
團友,很高興認識你們!你們對侍奉的熱誠令我印象尤深,而每一位又仿如一枚書簽, 伴隨在主內互助互勉的愛,粘帖在我的靈命日記裡。
Sophia Tang (Hong Kong)
Never had I joined a tour so wonderful, exciting, unforgettable,enjoyable, spiritual
and blessed.
Not to mention the well-planned but flexible and accommdating literary to suit the
needs of different participants, in particular the generous offers to late comer
and leaver like me and the generous offer for free membership to access the facilities
of equiptoserve.com for everyone, thorough explanations of the importancy of every
place and spot and culture with rich blibical references, the wisdom to choose the
right local guides , nice accommodations and food and of course the super experienced
leader Nadia with excellant hospitality, gentleness and kindness and enthusiasm
despite serving similar tours for so many years, what impressed me most was the
love and care and concern of brothers and sisters from different churches which
showed the abundant grace and blessings of our Almighty God within the love and
unity of the lord's body. Indeed, I have learnt a lot from each of you and I treasured
very much the time that God put us together in this trip.
More importantly, this tour brought me closer to Christ with the reading of the
relevant verses at different locations and mediation for God 's words from time
to time which not only enhanced my love for Christ but also helped me to feel the
great love and mercy of our lord god through his sufferings and his worked done
for us in the Holy Land.
After the tour, the bible is 3-dimensional to me and the trip helps me to associate
different scriptures with the places that I had been to. From now on, I have no
fear for places that I am not familar with in the Old Testament and am more interested
to find out their exact locations on the maps which assists me to understand the
Bible better.
For sure, this tour is the top of my recommendation list for fellow brothers and
sisters in Christ and I am looking forward to seeing brothers and sisters in Hong
May our friendship be forever and may God bless you all.
May God bless the ministry of Pastor Choi and Nadia Choi too.
Praise the Lord! Glory to God in the highest!